The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Try Laser Hair Removal Today

Summer is here, which means it’s time for shorts, tank tops, and swimsuits. With all of that exposed skin comes the battle with body hair. The average woman spends about 72 days of her life shaving her legs. Furthermore, surveys show that it’s their most dreaded beauty task. Men aren’t immune either as they struggle to tame their facial hair or wax their chests and backs. If you hate shaving, waxing, and plucking, you have options. Laser hair removal is one of the most safe, and efficient methods for removing unwanted hair. It’s also much more cost-effective than other hair removal options.
Laser hair removal might seem a little scary if you have never had it done before. Maybe you worry about how it feels or how much it costs, but it actually saves you time, discomfort, and money.
It’s time to get rid of those unwanted hairs for good. Let’s discuss what laser hair removal is, how it works, and five reasons why you should try laser hair removal today.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a form of hair removal that uses a laser to remove unwanted body hair. During the procedure, the light from the laser is absorbed by the pigment (melanin). It converts the light to heat which damages the hair follicles to inhibit hair growth.
Since each hair has a lifespan of about 6 weeks, it may take several treatments before the laser can completely shut down the hair follicles. Plan to receive anywhere from 2 to 6 separate treatments scheduled at least 4-6 weeks apart.
The hair does not immediately fall out. But as it grows and falls out, the damaged hair follicle fails to grow a replacement. Your results won’t be instant but they will be long-lasting.
In the past laser hair removal was recommended only for individuals with lighter skin tones. Thanks to advances in technology, it can now be performed on almost anyone. But the best results are achieved on dark hair.
Laser hair removal can be performed on most areas of the body. Popular removal areas include the:
- Face- including upper lip, eyebrows, chin, and sideburns
- Underams
- Back
- Legs
- Bikini
- Buttocks
- Toes
- Stomach
Laser hair removal should not be performed on eyelids, tattooed skin, or on women who are pregnant. Discuss any medications you are taking with your dermatologist before beginning treatments.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
It all depends on how sensitive your skin is and which area of your body is being treated. Laser hair removal is generally a very comfortable procedure, but each person is different.
You will feel a bit of warmth and stinging when the laser is applied to your skin. The good news is that the pain level is usually manageable. Some people say it feels like snapping a small rubber band against your skin.
If you’re worried about the discomfort, you can take an over-the-counter painkiller 30-45 minutes before your laser hair removal appointment. If you’re very sensitive, your practitioner may advise you to take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. This is to reduce the swelling and redness after your treatment.
You can also apply a cooling gel or an ice pack to the treated areas to help reduce any pain, swelling and redness.
Are There Any Side Effects?
After a laser hair removal session you may experience some mild redness or swelling for a few hours. An ice pack and some over the counter pain reliever can usually take care of the discomfort.
Some people may experience pigment changes, a lightening or darkening of the skin in the area that was treated. This is usually temporary but it can be permanent in some individuals. The best way to lower your risk is to avoid sun exposure for a couple of weeks before your treatment and at least 6 weeks afterward. It’s best to apply sunscreen daily.
What About At-Home Laser Hair Removal?
There are several devices marketed as laser hair removal systems that you can use at home. These pricey products are not FDA approved for hair removal and they can be ineffective and even dangerous. Laser hair removal is a delicate procedure that should be left to a licensed professionals.
Top 5 Reasons to Try Laser Hair Removal
Now that you understand how laser hair removal works, you may be wondering if it’s something that could benefit you. Here are 5 reasons laser hair removal can improve your life:
1. It Saves You Time
Think about how often you shave, wax, or pluck the unwanted hair on your body. For women, this can include areas like legs, underarms, bikini lines, eyebrows, and upperlip while men might focus on their faces, backs and chests. An average shaving session takes 10 minutes. Think what you could do with an extra 10 minutes every morning after you have all that unwanted hair lasered away.
2. No More Painful Shaving And Waxing
People often express concern about how painful laser hair removal might be. Meanwhile, they while they are nicking themselves daily with razors and ripping hair out by the roots through waxing or plucking. A few mildly uncomfortable sessions with the laser and you can be free from the pain of shaving, waxing and plucking forever.
3. It Improves Your Skin
Shaving causes painful and unsightly cuts, razor burn, and ingrown hairs. Waxes and depilatories can leave you with burns and rashes. Imagine not having to hide your skin after hair removal. With laser hair removal your might have slight redness for a few hours after the procedure, but then your skin is smooth and clear forever. Definitely worth it.
4. It Saves You Money
If your concerned about the cost of laser hair removal, you should be more concerned about the cost of not doing it. The average woman spends $10,000 on hair removal products over the course of their lifetime. This is far, far more than you would spend on laser hair removal. Razors are expensive and professional waxing treatments can add up to hundreds of dollars a month. An upfront investment in laser hair removal can save you big bucks over the course of your life.
5. It’s Precise
Ever overpluck your eyebrows or accidentally make your sideburns crooked? Laser hair removal is precise. It targets only the hairs that you want removed so you never have to stress about overgrooming.
Get Laser Hair Removal from Hillandale Primary Care
Laser hair removal is an investment in your time, health and beauty. While the initial cost is significantly more than a pack of razors, the amount of money it will save you over the course of your life more than makes up for it.
Don’t spend hours per week managing unruly hair only to be left with cuts, burns, and bald spots. Call Hillandale Primary Care today to discuss how laser hair removal can improve your life.